Craft Books
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
“This novel by Anne Lamott is more of a meditation on being a writer and how to build a sustaining mindset. She explores how to build the muscle memory to write for writing sake and not be waylaid if your dreams to publish don’t happen overnight.” - G
1000 Words by Jami Attenberg
“1000 Words by Jami Attenberg encapsulates the email advice letters written by myriad writers who support her yearly writing challenge, #1000wordsofsummer. The letters provide much needed support, encouragement, and inspiration for burgeoning writers. My copy is flagged to the gills and I can’t wait to gift the paperback to everyone I know.” - M
Story Genius by Lisa Cron
“In Story Genius, Lisa Cron takes you, step-by-step, through the creation of a novel from the first glimmer of an idea, to a complete multilayered blueprint--including fully realized scenes--that evolves into a first draft with the authority, richness, and command of a riveting sixth or seventh draft.” - G
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
“I have only recently finished Big Magic but I can tell this will be a yearly re-read for some time to come. Elizabeth Gilbert’s discussion of how to live your life creatively really hits home with anyone struggling to balance the artistic and the business sides of writing. The short version: “Focus on the art. It may be all you ever get.” But, more positive than that!” - M
Emotions Thesaurus by A. Ackerman and B. Puglisi
“This is less about specific craft and more a resource. This thesaurus is one of a series developed by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi that provide quick references for emotions, conflict, urban and rural setting, and more.” - G
Save the Cat! by Jessica Brody
“Save the Cat! is a well known volume on story structure for three-act books which started as a screenwriting guide and made its way into the world of novels after recognizing that story structure is similar across the mediums. Highly useful with a clear explanation of each section, it helps to learn the “proper” structure before you branch off. There are also separate editions for YA writing and film & tv screenwriting.” - M
On Writing by Stephen King
“On Writing is considered one of the seminal writing guides. Part memoir (it goes through Stephen King’s own publishing history) and part instruction manual, I have many quotes underlined for future inspiration when it feels like the writing life is getting rough. Definitely worth a read.” - M
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